Tag Archives: geopolitical situation

#7 – #Obama & #Rohani

On the 28th of September 2013, US president Obama and Iran president Rohani phoned each other.

President Rohani and President Obama

While Barack Obama was giving a press conference, Hassan Rohani tweeted the conversation they had. I realized a graph of the impact on Twiter of this phone call.

Iran - 28 September 2013 - 1000 tweets, Keywords of search : Iran No central node

Iran – 28 September 2013 – 1000 tweets, Keywords : Iran
No central node

I have removed the central node #Iran. We can clearly identify 2 groups.

  • On the left, we have a group of tweets and their keywords in english. We can see the geopolitical situation of the middle west with : #Syria,  #Irak, #Israel and #Iran (not displayed). United States are mentioned with #USA, #US, but no european country except United Kingdoms with #UK. There is also a mention to the famous affair of hostages in Teheran.
  • On the right side, we can identify another group in of tweets in persian. Since I do not know persian, I will not venture comments about the content. However the size of this group is interesting due to the ban on Twitter and other social networks in Iran. I don’t know the origin of these tweets come from because they are not geographical signed.